Bainbridge Island loves Halloween.

happy halloween
happy halloween

Bainbridge Gardens’ annual Pumpkin Walk attracted its usual horde of revelers enjoying the pumpkins lit throughout the woods.

pumpkins, trees, sky
pumpkins, trees, sky

A couple of weekends ago we picked our own pumpkins at the Suyematsu Farms – an event quickly becoming one of our family’s favorite holiday traditions. I spend a lot of time on the farm volunteering in part to take in the views – grapes, trees, vegetables, mountains.

pumpkins and sky
pumpkins and sky
ginger bread boy
ginger bread boy

My daughter loved the Pumpkin Walk until her sighting of Gingerbread Boy – which promptly ended our Pumpkin Walk 2008, racing, as instructed, back to the safety of our car.

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