My daughter loves to toss leaves into water, ducks love to storm to thrown food, perfect.

ducks, leaves, seattle
ducks, leaves, seattle

The posse circles waiting for food.

male eating leaves
male eating leaves


I noticed not all the what-I-believed-to-be-Mallards were of identical coloring, some having white bibs and no white band around the neck. I consulted Cornell:

The Mallard is the ancestor of nearly all domestic duck breeds (everything except the Muscovy Duck). Many of the domestic breeds look like the wild birds, but usually are larger. They are variable in plumage, often lacking the white neck ring or having white on the chest. Feral domestic ducks breed with wild Mallards and produce a variety of forms that often show up with wild ducks, especially in city parks.

Birding tip: spot the white markings on a bird to ease recognition (courtesy IslandWood)

three mallards
three mallards
young female
young female

These four have the traditional plumage: green heads, simple white band around the neck for males and brownish all over with mottled streaking of buff, white, and dark brown for the female, the juvenile’s being lighter in color.

male on the beach
male on the beach

This guy has the green head but a large white bib with no thin white ring around the neck.

looking up
looking up

An example of a mature female, entranced with the camera, sporting the white bib.

seattle in the distance
seattle in the distance

Blue water, blue skies but far from home – Seattle is to the West.

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