I look to my left at a fellow cyclist stretching along the railing as I pull the sheep from my bag and secure them for the shot.
“Ok,” he says, smiling and walking toward me, “what are you doing?”
“Everyday my daughter gives me some animals to take on the boat. I’ve been all over the city for the last couple of weeks taking photos, it’s our little game.”
“That’s cool,” he says, laughing. “How old is she?”
I answer.
“That’s awesome,” he says. “She’s awesome. It’s all her idea,” I respond. We smile, hop on the bikes and load the boat.
Back home, “Hey, Daddy’s bike, the sheep, big boats!”
No sunrise this morning, but this gull kept pace for quite some time daring me to get the camera out – I did.
I love trains and their stations too – fortunately the King Street Station is undergoing renovations to remedy years of neglect and abuse.
Two-by-two the animals load the ark.